So, spend ages at hospital complex trying to find doctor which was a hassle when I cant speak russian. Ended up in a cue for ages then followed another patient over to the surgury building and meet up with a pleased looking doctor. Ended up on a bed and before i knew it the stainless steel implemants were out. First it felt like he was ripping the scab off or making an opening then i think he was using some forceps to squeeze the wound and fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck did it hurt. I was then presented with a small wad of puss and a bloodied piece of gauze much to the delight of the doctor. He then proceded to stick some other surgical tool inside and scoop out the hole ( i could be wrong about what was happening but it felt like that!). The hole was then cleaned and an antiseptic cloth stuffed in the cavity. No english was spoken and no forms filled and it all happened really fast so a bit of a stress. I handed over 400som ($15nz?) to the doc which was prolly a nice cash job for the day!
I took the rest of the afternoon pretty easy and will return tomorrow at 12 to get it redressed. Really annoyed that the same thing happened again and Im still not sure what it was from. maybe a mosquito or a spider??
If possible I will start heading up to Bishkek tomorrow arvo and can start the visa game.
Please replace all divots. Looks like a sore one Rhino.
craigie, you know you wish you were the doc... got FMO?
did you hear it go POP?
It didnt go pop it was more of a tearer! She got lots of puss on the way up to bishket in the hot sun which just oozed out and more squeezed out at hospital. Puss is cool...
whats FMO?
a feeling of missing out
pus, yeah, 1 good thing about being young...
Is that the puss remover sticking out of your cheek?
Hope you are well apart from that
Yeah you pull it out and it takes puss with it. It is mainly there to stop the hole collapsing and trapping pockets of puss which could slow down healing or fester.
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