Monday, June 9, 2008

Ahh monday blues

What have i been doing?? The weekend shot by with no big dramas. I think saturday was a low key affair. I slept till midday, though sleeping not in the true sense. Sleep usually involves going to bed too late after a cold shower in order to bring body my temperature low enough to allow me to pass into sleep. Later once the body has again re-accustomed itself to the ambient room temperature and realised how humid it is I am then suddenly awake again and up to down half a bottle of cold water then fall back to sleep on a new dry space of mattress. Then for the rest of the night it is a matter of rising and falling back to sleep while each time rolling over to a cooler less damp area of the bed! And with unsettled sleep i end up having unsettled dreams which may entail going over and over what i need to do that day or some yellow menace creeping around en the shadows of my room. Oh, how i think i exaggerate. If were so bad, i wouldn't be so tight as to not pay the extra to have noisy air conditioned comfort.
Where was i before i veered of writing complete nonsense? So, saturday: bought a helmet, tried to find a market to buy petrol container(they dont have those red petrol containers here), dinner, emails, coffee, NO beer(!), meet cool people, ate too many lychee things, watched euro football (had to support Portugal because couldn't get behind the country(turkey) that persecuted my Armenians!), had a power cut, and then went home. nice and simple.

On sunday i had actually organised something the night before so Jo and i were off the the mekong delta for the day. I had pretty low expectations of the trip as it was one of those touristy tours but i needed to get out of the city for a day and i knew this would be stress free. The one feature of the trip was taking a boat from the mekong back up the saigon river to HCMC. The rest of the trip was pretty lame going around a few islands on the mekong and getting shuffled on and off smaller and bigger boats to see around. It probably wouldn't have been too bad if what you saw wasnt so made/influenced for tourists and i found everywhere to be quite messy and lots of rubbish everywhere. As least now i know roughly what the mekong looks like. We stopped on one island for lunch and afterwards i took out a real junker full suspension bike (which was very hard to do for a bike snob like myself!) and fanged it about the paths and small roads doing wheelies over bridges and cutties through corners all to the great amusement of the local kids. so stretching my legs on a bike again was prolly the best part in the end. The boat ride back was good as we got to see all the boats working on the river and waving kids from the river bank plus a lot of it all looked very nice and tropical! Taking three hours to get back i could also catch up on a bit of sleep.
So anyway, i caught up with marcel at our cheep shop for a few beers and a little faux vodka. I think jo couldnt make it as he was catching up on sleep from the night before and i think the mekong trip had taken the last out of him. We went off to watch the croatia/austria football match but we got tired and lost interest after a while. Said our goodbyes, as marcel was leaving thailand on monday, so drinking buddy of nearly two weeks will be missed :-(

Now monday and my scoot was supposed to be go. went and had a look but electrics hadnt been fixed. not sure if there was a communication breakdown somewhere so will go back this arvo to check it out and hopefully pick up. I took it for a whirl around the block and the new engine seemed good but will have to see what it is like at top speed.

Mmm hungry time now but will have to see bike first.
Loving the emails everyone is sending, its still possible to get lonely in a city that has more than twice the population of all of NZ and even simple email always puts a smile on my face.

Mucho amor

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